6 Month Update

Big News: Colby is CRAWLING!!
In other news...
1. Little Miss loves butternut squash.
2. Fought off her very first flu bug- thank you big brother for giving it to her and Mommy :(.
3. Received more than enough first Christmas presents such as, books, boots, clothes, clothes and more clothes
4. Enjoys casually taking toys from Big T.
5. Did great on her 2nd flight from CA to NM. She didn't even cry and slept most of the time.
We LOVE her!

5 Month Update

Wow!  We can't believe our sweet Colby is already 5 months!  The time has really flown by!

Top 7 things new/ changing about Colby since her last update:

7. She weighs 15lbs!!
6. Colby's 2nd nickname is 'Thumper'.  She has a wild right foot that never stops kicking when she's on her back.
5. Colby will ONLY drink up her bottle from a complete lying down position or with her head lower than her body- pictures to come, it is hilarious how she defies gravity. 
4. Colby has a new friend, Kate.  Kate is 2 weeks older than Colby and we play at the park 3 mornings a week. 
3. Colby's bro, Tristan is learning how to share by reading books to Colby and learning how to help feed her.
2. Colby's new ticklish spot in anywhere to the left of her chin.  
1. The #1 new update....Colby's eating soft foods!!  She loves bananas, sweet potatoes and butternut squash.

4 Month Update from Dr. Sarah

Colby had to get 4 shots today and 1 oral vaccine.  Her stats...
Weight: 14lbs- 46%
Height: 25 3/4 inches- 93%
"She's growing so big and strong, I'm very impressed by how Colby can hold her head up and roll anytime she wants," Dr. Sarah. 

4 Month Update

Colby Updates; What we know about 'Little Miss,' so far:
* Colby goes by the nickname, 'Little Miss or Little Mrs.'
* Colby eats between 6-7 ounces 5 times everyday.
* She naps for 30-45 minutes after her 8am bottle, 2 hours between 12-3pm and 30-45 minutes in the late afternoon and evening.
* Colby sleeps from 7:30pm-8am.
* Little Miss cannot be without Mommy, Daddy or Brother when she is awake, she must be involved in all things or she lets us know she is upset, :).
* Colby loves her outward facing chest carrier- she loves to see the world.
* She spends about 15 minutes a day jumping in her jumper.
* Colby's personality is really starting to shine.  She laughs, giggles and smiles all day long, unless she is in an environment like one found at The Rainforest Cafe. 

3 Month Update

Colby is doing great this month, here are some of her new advances.
1. Colby rolled!!  She's great at going from tummy to back and back.
2. Eating 33-35 ounces in 24 hours.
3. She loves 'flying' with daddy at the pool.
4. Colby is smiling and cooing all the time- video to come...

2 Month Update

Colby is doing so well this month.  New advances for her, so far....
1. Sleeping from 9pm-6:30/7:30am, for the last 3 weeks.
2. Eating over 26ounces of formula everyday.
3. Going to learn about Jesus in Sunday school twice a week.
4. Loves to have her nose tickled.
5. Enjoys hanging out in the pool and falling asleep while being putting her feet in the hot tub.
6. Staying awake more and more in the daytime.
7. Singing, "Jesus Loves Me," with her big Bro, Tristan.
8. Spending 30 minutes a day on her tummy.

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me!
This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak but He is strong.
Jesus loves me!
Loves me still,
Tho I'm very weak and ill,
That I might from sin be free,
Bled and died upon the tree.
Jesus loves me!
He who died
Heaven's gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.

6 Week Update

Colby saw Dr. Sarah today for her 6 week check up, and here's how it went...
Weight: 10lbs!!! 34th%
Height: 22.5 inches, 40th%
4 Shots, all routine.
Colby is doing great and growing everyday.  She cried for a little after the shots and slept for quite awhile.

Top 5 Fun Facts We Know About Colby

5. Colby HATES to be cold.  She must wear long sleeves and pants everywhere, or be covered up with lots of blankets.
4. Colby loves formula.  She drinks more and more everyday, closer and closer together.
3. Colby's cry sounds like a little potbelly big- kinda squeaky and whiny.
2. Colby is very sensitive to sound.  She does not like loud areas, especially the Rainforest Cafe.  We tried to eat dinner there and Colby cried the entire time that we had to leave :(.
1. Colby loves to be kissed by her big brother. We always know what Tristan has recently eaten because we see and smell it on the top of Colby's head.

1 Month Update

Here's the latest on our sweet treasure...
Sleep: Usually several 2-3 hour naps during the day.  5-6 hour sleeps at night.  She usually wakes up at 1am and 5:30am.
Eating: This kid is a 'chow-hound'!  She eats 4.5 ounces every feeding.  This is 2x as much as Tristan.  so far, no spit-up so we keep feeding her.
Height and Weight: Will update in 2 weeks.
Daily Activities: Napping, eating and you know what comes next...  Lot's of diaper changes.

Colby has slept for almost 6 hours (in a row) the last 2 nights and is out eating her brother (when he was an infant). 

Welcome to the world Colby Lynn!  We love you!