2 Month Update

Colby is doing so well this month.  New advances for her, so far....
1. Sleeping from 9pm-6:30/7:30am, for the last 3 weeks.
2. Eating over 26ounces of formula everyday.
3. Going to learn about Jesus in Sunday school twice a week.
4. Loves to have her nose tickled.
5. Enjoys hanging out in the pool and falling asleep while being putting her feet in the hot tub.
6. Staying awake more and more in the daytime.
7. Singing, "Jesus Loves Me," with her big Bro, Tristan.
8. Spending 30 minutes a day on her tummy.

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me!
This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak but He is strong.
Jesus loves me!
Loves me still,
Tho I'm very weak and ill,
That I might from sin be free,
Bled and died upon the tree.
Jesus loves me!
He who died
Heaven's gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.

6 Week Update

Colby saw Dr. Sarah today for her 6 week check up, and here's how it went...
Weight: 10lbs!!! 34th%
Height: 22.5 inches, 40th%
4 Shots, all routine.
Colby is doing great and growing everyday.  She cried for a little after the shots and slept for quite awhile.