Colby on a Friday afternoon..

Colby insisted on putting on her pj's even though it was 4 o'clock.  She put them on all by herself and wanted to play outside.  So we did.

What's new with Colby...

Colby is developing into a little ray of sunshine that keeps us on our toes at ALL hours (that she is awake).  We love her so much and are enjoying these top 5 new things with her:

5. She is a GREAT breakfast eater!  She generally snacks the rest of the day and never eats a big dinner, but she will always eat a big breakfast and she always eats more than Tristan.  She likes blueberry smoothies, apple cinnamon oatmeal, coconut pancakes and cheerios with lots of honey.

4. Colby does not like wearing headbands or anything on her head.  This includes not liking the little rubber bands used to hold her hair out of her face.  She will immediately pull out her hair bands and walk around with her hair in her face at every opportunity.

3. It's no use doing her hair or putting on her shoes if she's going to ride in the car longer than 2.2 seconds.  In less than a minute from sitting in her car seat, she'll take off her shoes and socks and pull out whatever hair ties I successfully tied in her hair.  If she's wearing tights, she'll try to pull those off too.

2. Colby wakes up every morning naked.  This includes pulling off her diaper.  It doesn't matter if she does to sleep wearing a 2 or 1-piece jammie set, she will still take off all her clothes every morning, lol.

1. Constantly talking.  This little one loves to talk!!  Her speech is fairly advanced with saying sentences and comprehending most everything we say to her.  She sings, talks to Tristan and loves to 'cheers' with water, milk and juice.