8 Month Update

Here's what's new this month:
1. "Ma Ma Ma Ma," Colby's new song.
2. Gross, I know but Little Miss goes #2 at least 8 times a day.  We are going through SO many diapers, lol.
3. Cruising on everything.  Furniture, appliances, people anything she can brace herself on.
4. No teeth still.
5. Love blueberries and strawberries.
6. Crawls after Tristan and looks for him whenever he's not close by.

7 Month Update

This month has been so exciting!  Here's the latest on our sweet blessing.
* Colby pulls herself up to standing every chance she can.
* She crawls and 'elephant walks' everywhere, there is NO containing her.
* Little Miss still has not sprouted any teeth but is eating pureed everything.  She loved sweet potatoes and blueberries. 
* Colby still has beautiful blue eyes and her hair growing more and more each day.  We now have to use conditioner to keep her hair soft.
* 'Mama' was Colby's first word and when asked to say 'Dada' she does it.
* Colby loves her big brother, Tristan and laughs at him everyday, especially in the bath.
* Colby sleeps great at night, but still not too long during the day.  Naps are hard for her.
We love her!!!