7 Month Update

This month has been so exciting!  Here's the latest on our sweet blessing.
* Colby pulls herself up to standing every chance she can.
* She crawls and 'elephant walks' everywhere, there is NO containing her.
* Little Miss still has not sprouted any teeth but is eating pureed everything.  She loved sweet potatoes and blueberries. 
* Colby still has beautiful blue eyes and her hair growing more and more each day.  We now have to use conditioner to keep her hair soft.
* 'Mama' was Colby's first word and when asked to say 'Dada' she does it.
* Colby loves her big brother, Tristan and laughs at him everyday, especially in the bath.
* Colby sleeps great at night, but still not too long during the day.  Naps are hard for her.
We love her!!!

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