Happy 1st Birthday Colby!

Happy 1st Birthday Colby!
New updates with Colby- the big 1 year old!
1. Walking, walking, walking!  This girl won't slow down and walks EVERYWHERE!
2. She loves dancing and singing to, 'Let it go...', with Tristan.
3. Colby is beginning to babble.  Especially in the car.
4. She is becoming much more affectionate and lovey.
5. 4 teeth now.  2 up top and 2 on the bottom.
6. Gymnast in the making.  Colby tries to climb everywhere and any place she can.  Her favorite is to try to climb the oven door and hang backwards. 
7. New bff is Kayla.  Kyla is in 4th grade and our new neighbor.
8. Colby LOVES string cheese and strawberries. 
9. Still doesn't like room temperature water to swim in- water must be warm. 
10. In size 3 diapers and wearing 18 month clothing which is way too big but just the right length. 


  1. oh my goodness they are both soo big now. trist looks so cute! i hope they stay close for more birthdays to come. its too bad she wont remeber that hug party looked awesome but atleast shell have funny pictures. hope you guys keep having lots of fun.
    im currentl out of state but im glade i still have internet to be apart of allyou guys fun storys.
    patricia lange

  2. She is growing up, such a cutie, Was great to see her 1st birthday pics, the dress was so cute also. She has a wonderful big family, thank you for sharing her birthday.

    jan mcarty
