A Day In The Life Of Colby Cakes

A day in the life of an 'almost' 18 month old.

I thought it would be fun to write out Colby's daily schedule and witness how God is growing our baby girl into a toddler.

Our day usually starts around 7am (Colby wakes up earlier, but she plays in her crib for just a little bit)...
7:30-8:30- Wake up, play upstairs with Tristan, play a phonics game on the Kindle, eat breakfast which always includes milk, she does not like any type of juice.  As far as breakfast preferences, Colby is a good breakfast eater.  She likes smoothies, bananas, granola, waffles, oatmeal and pancakes.  She will not eat eggs, french toast, sausage or cinnamon rolls.

8:30-9:30-  Get dressed.  Practice abc's, numbers, shapes, colors, ten commandments and reading with Tristan.

By around 9:30 we are all ready to get out of the house and get our day started.  Three days of the week we go to either the library, the science center, church, the zoo, the trampoline park, the aquarium or a play date with friends.  The other two days of the week Tristan and Colby come with me to the gym and participate in an awesome class called 'Mighty Mites'.  This class is a wonderful 'work-out' class for kids under the age of 6.  Colby loves following around the older toddler girls and learning how to jump on the trampoline.

11:30-12 pm- Lunch time, watching the kids favorite DVD (Leapfrog's 'Building Words'), quiet play and getting ready for nap.  Her lunch meals are hit and miss depending on her appetite for the day.  Sometimes she has a big snack around 10:30 and isn't very hungry for lunch.  She does like pb&J, grilled cheese and pesto pasta.  Above all her favorite snack right now is applesauce and string cheese.

1-3'ishpm- Nap time.  In order to sleep well she must have her blankie and pink bunny.

3-5pm- PLAY as much as we can, out of the house.

5-7pm-Dinner, bath time (every night), and normal end of day things.  Right now Colby loves grilled chicken and squash.

7-8pm- Prayers, singing (usually a Frozen song, lol) and bed time.


Soo, our big update is that we moved and bought a house.  The pictures in the 'picture' section are from our new place and location in the beautiful Southwest.  Our house is much bigger than anything we have had before and the kids are loving running around everywhere and learning how to climb up and down the stairs.  In addition to the house, we have a great big back yard with a garden and grape vines. It has been raining nearly everyday since we have moved in so the kids are learning about rain, lightening and thunder.  Surprisingly, they aren't scared of any of it.  We have located a great church with a HUGE adoption fellowship and brand new friends.  The kids love having their grandparents close by and coming with mommy to soccer practices and watching local baseball games.  Lots of cousins live close by and we have spent multiple days at the pool diving for 'alligators'.
More updates and pictures to come...

We've been busy~

We apologize for not posting in a few long weeks, but wow, this family has been busy!  Hopefully this weekend we can catch up and fill you all in on the BIG changes and all the fun the four of us have been having!

Happy 1st Birthday Colby!

Happy 1st Birthday Colby!
New updates with Colby- the big 1 year old!
1. Walking, walking, walking!  This girl won't slow down and walks EVERYWHERE!
2. She loves dancing and singing to, 'Let it go...', with Tristan.
3. Colby is beginning to babble.  Especially in the car.
4. She is becoming much more affectionate and lovey.
5. 4 teeth now.  2 up top and 2 on the bottom.
6. Gymnast in the making.  Colby tries to climb everywhere and any place she can.  Her favorite is to try to climb the oven door and hang backwards. 
7. New bff is Kayla.  Kyla is in 4th grade and our new neighbor.
8. Colby LOVES string cheese and strawberries. 
9. Still doesn't like room temperature water to swim in- water must be warm. 
10. In size 3 diapers and wearing 18 month clothing which is way too big but just the right length. 

11 Month Update

Big News: Colby has 3.5 teeth! Over the weekend Colby grew her large left front tooth and the right front tooth is sprouting.
5 Colby Updates:
1. Blowing bubbles with her mouth constantly; razing.
2. Standing straight up from a sitting position.
3. 2 new teeth.
4. Said, "Tristan."
5. Colby has started kicking while under water.  Yeah!  This is the first step towards swimming. 

10 Month Update

This month Colby is:
* Learning to wave and say, "hi."
* Learning to stand and stay standing for 5-7 seconds before falling.
* Loving to ride around in any scooter her big bro is pushing.
* Clapping, all the time.
* Trying to climb out of her crib- yup!
* Not able to sit in a high chair or a shopping cart without being snugly belted in or she'll stand up. 
* Loving to sit in the kitchen while Mama cooks anything.
* Using more and more conditioner because her hair is growing. 
* Loving to eat strawberries and yogurt.

9 Month Update

The biggest news to share this month is that Colby has 2 bottom teeth poking through and making their way into her mouth.  As you can imagine, she is not happy about this.  Her mouth is often swollen and she hates to have her face touched.  Eating frozen veggie seems to help her and sucking on a bottle or sippy cup.  
Weight -17.5 lbs 37%
Height- 90%
Cruising everywhere!

8 Month Update

Here's what's new this month:
1. "Ma Ma Ma Ma," Colby's new song.
2. Gross, I know but Little Miss goes #2 at least 8 times a day.  We are going through SO many diapers, lol.
3. Cruising on everything.  Furniture, appliances, people anything she can brace herself on.
4. No teeth still.
5. Love blueberries and strawberries.
6. Crawls after Tristan and looks for him whenever he's not close by.

7 Month Update

This month has been so exciting!  Here's the latest on our sweet blessing.
* Colby pulls herself up to standing every chance she can.
* She crawls and 'elephant walks' everywhere, there is NO containing her.
* Little Miss still has not sprouted any teeth but is eating pureed everything.  She loved sweet potatoes and blueberries. 
* Colby still has beautiful blue eyes and her hair growing more and more each day.  We now have to use conditioner to keep her hair soft.
* 'Mama' was Colby's first word and when asked to say 'Dada' she does it.
* Colby loves her big brother, Tristan and laughs at him everyday, especially in the bath.
* Colby sleeps great at night, but still not too long during the day.  Naps are hard for her.
We love her!!!

6th Month Update from Dr. Sarah

Weight: 15lbs and 11ou.- 37%
Height: 28 inches- 98%
"Colby looks great and is growing just as she should everyday.  She's very tall for her age."